Søren Kæstel an his crew are winner of the IDDM 2018!
All new information and results can be found on manage2sail here...
Chris Gossmann made fantastic pictures of the IDDM 2018. You can find a download for private use here...
Motion pictures of the IDDM can be found on Youtube. If you should get a poor quality download, please use the Youtube settings for resolution of the video material. All motion pictures are HD quality:
https://youtu.be/X7jN5njUAMY (IDDM 2018 regatta harbour)
https://youtu.be/8D7fpCf_mBU (IDDM 2018 race 8)
https://youtu.be/9_XAIORTfSY (IDDM 2018 race 9)
https://youtu.be/kHDeeySN6sk (IDDM 2018 windward mark 1)
https://youtu.be/XXGTtVh2H4w (IDDM 2018 windward mark 2)
Some articles and feedback can be found on the SVF-Website here...
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